This is a favoutite recipe that hails from Perak, traditionally cooked on hari raya. However, now rendang is a common dish even for breakfast to eat with nasi lemak. Well, this is a favourite dish that I like to cook for my children, family and friends.
Mind you I am a self taught cook, learning recipes from old ladies' word of mouth, therefore I have no accurate measurement...measurements are all 'professionally' quantified (in other words it's basically rough estimates based on quantity!!!)
1 whole chicken, cut into manageble edible pieces
Part A
Lots of big red onions (it adds to the dish's sweetness)
Ginger the size of your thumb-sliced
Galanga (lengkuas) double the size of the ginger-sliced
Lemongrass (serai) 6 fat stalks or 8 thin stalks-sliced
Part A has to be sliced then blended
Daun Kunyit to be sliced thinly (mayang)
Cili paste (cili giling) depends on how hot you want it to be
Coconut milk (if coconut milk powder is used,put some oil to give it the oily glazed finished)
Salt to taste
Sugar (optional) if you do not want it to be too hot
Flavor enhancer
All the ingredients are put in a pot or wok and cooked over a medium fire, however as the cooking progresses turn down the heat and stir occasionally so as the rendang concoction does not stick to the pot or wok. If you prefer it dry then let the rendang cooked till it's slightly dried. However, you may leave it moist if you wish so (my children loves it moist as it is easier to eat with rice or nasi impit).
Bon Apetite...
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