Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The coming of Eid

What can I say Eid is just around the corner... ahh for me personally Eid represents the coming of celebration which will cost me money and time. Well what with all the cooking, cleaning and shopping that I have to single handedly do. Haven't you heard that a mum's job is never done.... Emmm I will have to do last minute shopping for the kids this year as I am just done with my students final exams and the cash is not in the till yet ;). Its always been preparation for the kids. After my father passed away more than 10 years ago and after having to single handedly bring up my 5 kids on my own I have yet to find that light of Eid within me again. But I do have my current better half which is the light of my life.
So the joy of seeing my kids enjoy the Eid celebration is more that enough for me....

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